What is Wealthy Affiliate? -My Review

What is Wealthy Affiliate? My Review

Wealthy Affiliate

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

Website: www. wealthyaffiliate.com

Price: $0. It’s free for a Starter membership for as long as you like.

Owners: Kyle & Carson

Rank: 98 out of 100

Is It A Scam: No.

What Exactly is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is not a product or a push-button program like so many others out there. That is why I’ve chosen to write a review of their online learning community.

In my opinion, it’s the best place to learn affiliate marketing, website building, SEO, and so many different things that can help not only people that have some experience in business, website building, and marketing, but also those who are just starting out.

About five years ago, I had no clue what I was doing. I knew nothing at all about website building, keywords, and what the heck does SEO mean?

I didn’t know any of this! All I knew about getting anything started online was that I needed a website to do it. I’ve never gone to college or taken any classes in website building, so I didn’t know where to start.

Until I found Wealthy Affiliate, which is why it’s my #1 Recommendation!

Here’s why I’d recommend it to anyone interested in making money online, or people interested in building an online or even offline business for themselves.

Pros vs. Cons


wa training

  • Step-by-step training
  • Up-to-date training
  • Video training, Tutorials, Courses
  • Supportive community of 10,000’s
  • 13 + Classrooms- get your questions answered
  • 2 Free Websites (Starter)
  • 50 Free websites (Premium)
  • Hosting is included for both Starter and Premium
  • Website Security included for Premium
  • Strict no spam policy
  • It’s Free! Starter Membership = $0.


  • There’s so much to learn! It can get a bit overwhelming at times.

No, there’s not much I can say about the cons other than that it can be a little overwhelming.

That’s really the only thing I can think of having a problem with and even that is getting a lot better since the owners Kyle and Carson keep improving their site every chance they get.

What Will Joining Wealthy Affiliate Do For You?

If you’re serious about learning how to become your own boss or even just make some extra money working online then Wealthy Affiliate will be the best place to learn how.

Like I said, I’ve been a member for five years,

and I started out knowing nothing!

As you can see, I obviously learned how to build my own website!

You will NOT find a community like WA anywhere else. They do NOT promise that you’ll get rich overnight, in a few days, a month, etc. Whether you’re a complete beginner or you own a business of your own already, you’ll learn a lot from them.

And, no, when I mention business don’t worry about that…you don’t need a product or a business. But, if that’s something you’d like to do, you can learn how from the training here too. It’ll get you started on your own path to being successful at whatever you set your mind to do, whether it’s an online business, affiliate marketing, etc.

What you get is the best training out there in how to:

  • Become an affiliate marketer
  • Promote your own products or services
  • Build Websites
  • Keyword research
  • SEO

and well, it’s all up to you on what you want to focus on! But whatever you may choose to do, your questions get answered there.

There are 10,000’s members there. Many are just starting out and others are already doing what you’d like to do…

working from home and being their own boss!

If you get stuck on something you’ll be able to ask any questions you may have right there at Wealthy Affiliate, and you’ll usually get an answer in a few minutes from other members! At most, it may take  a  few hours, depending on the time of day and whether or not most other members are working on their own online projects or businesses at the time you posted it.

At least that’s been my experience there in almost two years of being a member.

Even the owners Kyle and Carson are found answering questions there every day. 
When I first started out at Wealthy Affiliate, I couldn't believe it when I seen them 
answering questions themselves!

Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate is for anyone willing to learn! You do not need to have experience in marketing, business, and website building. It doesn’t matter what your age is or where you’re living.

It doesn’t matter if you’re totally new at this, like I was, or if you’ve had experience in building websites or owning your own business. It will help you learn how to succeed even further.

Wealthy Affiliates is for absolutely everyone!

Well, as long as you’re not trying to scam anyone that is.

If you are, then it isn’t for you.

The Wealthy Affiliate Training & Tools

Well, let me say, there’s a lot of training at Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, when I first started there, it was a bit mind boggling! But, it has been updated many times since then and now it is much easier to comprehend.

Training Offered at Wealthy Affiliate:

  • Task Based Courses
  • Live Weekly Training Classes
  • Question and Answer Periods
  • Weekly Live Video Training + replays
  • Tutorial Training
  • Organized Classrooms (separated by specific topics)
  • Discussions

There are actually over a thousand training modules in the Wealthy Affiliate Classrooms that focus on different online business models. Any of these can be used to make either a full-time or part-time income from home. It’s all up to you on how much effort you put into it.

Don’t worry about how fast or slow you go either….

Work at your own pace! It’s not a race here!

Tools Offered at Wealthy Affiliate

  • Keyword & Competition Tool
  • Website Feedback Platform
  • Website Comment Platform
  • SiteRubix Website Builder for WordPress (3 clicks to build your website!)
  • Low Competition Keyword Lists
  • State of the Art Cloud Hosting (Hosting for up to 2 sites on Starter membership & Unlimited for Premium members)
  • 1,400 website templates or themes
  • Rapid Writer

Once you join Wealthy Affiliate you’ll find everything you need to get your online business up and running and keep it running! You will not need to worry about finding hosting for your site or looking for website templates, etc. It’s all there at Wealthy Affiliates for you to use.

Support at Wealthy Affiliate

Trying to find answers online can be so frustrating! I know what it’s like to have a question and not get it answered, or it finally gets answered days or possibly even weeks later. Sometimes, never!

Well, if you’re wondering how the support at Wealthy Affiliates is then I must say,

The Support of the Community at Wealthy Affiliate is Awesome! You won’t find a community as helpful and friendly as the one at Wealthy Affiliate!

If you ever get stuck on something while you’re at Wealthy Affiliate, all you ever have to do is ask! There are literally thousands of members that are willing to give you a helping hand. Many of them having been doing this for years and some that are still on their way, like myself, and others that are newbies, just like yourself.

Not to mention, Kyle & Carson themselves, as I mentioned earlier, are often busy helping anyone and everyone that asks a question, or is having problems with something! It’s very comforting to know that if you get stuck, someone is there to help you out!

What Will You Be Doing at Wealthy Affiliate?

My Wealthy Affiliate ReviewActually, it is all up to you on what you choose to do since there are probably hundreds of ways you can make money online. I know, that sounds kind of vague, doesn’t it? Let me try to explain a bit more…’

Once you join Wealthy Affiliate, you can choose to follow either your own passions such as designer clothing, fly fishing, horse training, hunting, knitting, playing music, sewing, etc.

Those are just a few examples of what I’ve seen others doing there. You’re imagination is the only limit on what you can do.  You can do whatever you feel the most passionate about!

It’s all up to you on what your interests or hobbies are, once you decide which one you want, you can start on one of those interests that you love with the Online Entrepreneur Course. All you’ll need to do is click the “Get Started Here” button at Wealthy Affiliate and you’ll be on your way!

If you find that you can’t decide on what you’re really passionate about, then you can start out with the Bootcamp Course. It is a predefined topic with the Bootcamp Training Course, which will show you exactly what you should do to get your own online affiliate business started.

In either case, all you need to do is follow the training and do each task that is set out for you in a step-by-step manner.

What more could you ask for?

In my point of view, both of these training courses are great! So, whichever one you choose is all up to you.

If you already know what you’re passionate about or you have a few things you love, then pick one and get busy learning! Then you can continue learning how to improve as time goes on.

Again, either one of the courses is excellent and both have many levels of training.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are two memberships available at Wealthy Affiliate.

  1. Starter Membership: $0 (Join Here)
  2. Premium Membership: $49 a month or $359 a year (Join Here)

Is that right, $0?

Yes, you can get a Starter Membership for absolutely FREE! You will NOT even need your credit card to sign up!

Once you become a starter member, you’ll get two free websites (hosting included), access to live chat, 500 training modules, 3 classrooms, networking, commenting, and access to the keyword tool.

Once you check it out for awhile and realize what it can do for you, I’m sure you’ll agree that the only thing that can be any better than being a Starter Member at Wealthy Affiliate is the Premium Membership there!

If you do decide to join the Premium Membership, you’ll be getting a lot for that $49/month!

You won’t have to worry about paying any more than that for other things like hosting your websites, keyword tools, website builder fees, website security, etc. It’s all included so you won’t have to worry! Plus, you’ll have complete access to the whole Wealthy Affiliate platform and community.

Another great thing is you will have access to create 50 websites with hosting included as a Premium Member.

Yes, 50 websites + hosting! Not to mention, they’ve gone another step further recently in 2017…SSL is also included for your own domains here at no extra cost for Premium members!

Here’s a comparison between the two memberships:

Starter Membership vs. Premium Membership at Wealthy Affiliate

And, if you want to buy your own domain names or you already have one from previous times, you can have the option of having it hosted there too. For free! So, if you ever decide to leave Wealthy Affiliate for whatever reason, you can still keep your *own website* and just move it to another hosting company. *(Does not include Starter membership sites).*

That’s all up to you, but if you ask me, that would be crazy! There’s so many things that change when running a website and an online business that you need to stay up to date on if you want to stay successful and Wealthy Affiliate is updated with new trainings and tutorials every day.

Final Verdict – Is Wealthy Affiliate Legit?

My opinion?  It’s 100% Legit!

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been a member for 5 years now, and have found it to be the one place that has everything I needed to get started working online. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t recommend it. I know what it’s like to keep getting scammed or not get any answers. 

Don’t believe me? That’s okay. You can click the following link to check out my profile at Wealthy Affiliate. My username at WA is “freedomseekr.”

If you ever need help or have questions, I’m usually there every day. Or, leave me a question or comment here in the comments below. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

It’s the best online learning community you can find, which is why I recommend it to anyone interested in making money online to give it a try, whether you’re looking to work from your home full time, give your own business a boost, or just earn some extra cash in your spare time.

So, why not give the Starter Membership a try! It’s FREE to check out and see what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer you.  All you need to do is set up your account once you get there. Plus, once you join as a Starter member, I’ll be sure to get in touch with you to see how you’re doing and help you out if needed.


And, did I mention there’s a BONUS offered to you, that’s  if you decide that you’d like to join the Premium membership?

If you decide Wealthy Affiliate is for you within 7 days, you can get the Premium membership at a 59% discount for your first month as a Premium member!

After that it’s $49 for a Premium membership.

So, go ahead and try it out as a Starter Member, it’s absolutely FREE for as long as you’d like, and there’s no pressure to join Premium, if you don’t want to. It’s all up to you.

No obligations and no credit card required. If you decide it’s not for you,  cancel it at any time.

Click the “Sign Up Now” below to get Yours!

…And, if you need help at any time, you can contact me in the comment box below or at sherry(at)bossfreeopportunities(dot)com

I WILL get back to you ASAP. Okay?

I’d love to hear what you think!

Thanks for reading and best wishes in whatever you do! 🙂 -Sherry



  1. Hi Sherry it’s me again, Teresa from (WA). This message is really just for you. As I just wanted to let you know that the correct price for each month for premium membership is now $49/month. I believe it use to be $47, but I know from monthly payment and research, that it is not that any longer. I thought that maybe, it’s been awhile since this post was written and you could update it a little. I love your work! Keep up the wonderful help and writing like you do! I wish you monstrous success in everything you do!

    • Hi Teresa,
      Great to see you here again! Thanks for the reminder on this…it goes to show what an awesome community Wealthy Affiliate has in my book! There are so many members there willing to help in any way they can…it’s just amazing! Which is why I’ve been there for five years now, and learned so much…not just from the actual training, but other members as well.

      As for my review post here, yes, it was written quite a long time ago and needs a lot of updating! You’re definitely right, it’s now $49/month. Plus, there are many other changes I’ll need to add to this…but, the thing is it’s only gotten so much better! I definitely need to get back to working on the site here, it’s been rather neglected for some time now for sure, but that’s a long story! Well, it can be read over here on my WA blog, which you can find here at Time to Move On, if you want to check it out. It’s a long read though, lol.

      Anyways, thank you so much for pointing it out, Teresa! I’ve been there as a yearly Premium member myself for some years now, so I’m glad you reminded me about this…it’s easy to forget about the price change for the monthly payment option when paying it by the year instead.

      I definitely have a lot of work to do on updating this review, there are so many new things added to Wealthy Affiliate’s program since I wrote this review! I’ll be working on this again very soon!

      Best wishes 🙂 ~Sherry

  2. This is a very thorough and professional review. It also aptly demonstrates the quality of the training you have received.
    Regards and good luck

    • Hi John,
      Thank you for reading and leaving such a positive comment! I’m glad to hear your thoughts on my review. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the best place to learn in my book.
      Best wishes in your success!

  3. When I first joined Wealthy Affiliate I thought they would at least require a credit card but they didn’t even ask for it! You hit the nail on the head when you said that the community is absolutely the best. They are helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly. I decided to upgrade to Premium after a week and LOVE it. Best decision I’ve made thus far.

    • Hi Tracy47,

      I couldn’t agree with you more! I’ve been a Premium member of Wealthy Affiliate for about a year-and-a-half now, and I absolutely love it! The knowledge I’ve gained from all the training there has helped me so much, not only on the marketing aspect, but also in other ways. I’ve become a much happier and confident person than I’ve ever been and I’d have to say it’s all thanks to the awesome members of the WA community and its creators, Kyle and Carson. I love it there, it’s been the best decision I’ve probably ever made too! Best wishes to you and see ya there!

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